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How Does Arctic Heat Pump Work in Low Temperature?

· Heat Pump,Low tempreture

Are you in the market for low temperature heat pump? If yes, then you should look no further than Arctic Heat Pump. This heat pump remains unmatched in terms of overall cost and performance. It’s perfectly-engineered and designed to deliver optimal energy efficiency at half price of a traditional geothermal heat pump.

The Arctic series heat pump comes with Variable Speed Pumps, Panasonic EVI DC Inverter Compressors, European Sanhua Valves and Chico Digital Control system. All of the features are harnessed directly into complete weatherproof housing.

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Integrated Heating –

The Arctic low climate heat pump has the ability to control heating and cooling needs of your entire home including residential hot water. The pump is able to integrate with different heating sources like radiant floor heating or cooling, central air handlers for forced air, split fan coils for individual room heating, and low temperature radiators.

With titanium heat exchangers, the Arctic Heat Pump can be integrated to any hot tub or pool. The Out Door Unit (ODR) comprises of everything you require in a case (Monobloc). As a result, you don’t need to hire a refrigeration mechanic.

All you need is an electric connection with weatherproof outdoor rated disconnect. The heat pump unit needs 240 VAC connectivity with a 20, 40 Amp dedicated breaker depending on the size of the Arctic series heat pump.

Built-in Back Up –

This heat pump integrates with an internal heater to control the backup heating circuit in the buffer tank. The cold weather heat pump gives signal to the backup heater when the heat pump is unable to keep up.

Though two heat sources are competing, you will never waste energy. The Arctic Heat Pump has EcoUltra buffer or boiler tanks which is designed specifically for cold weather heat pumps. It includes additional features like extra insulation and internal ports allowing temperature probe and accurate temperature readings. These tanks range from 4 KW to 29 KW.


The Arctic Heat Pump technology allows combining heat pumps together to form large heating systems as needed. Using the MX Controller, you can add up to ten heat pumps. This design works in parallel fashion; so every unit has its own pump. The controller will manage heat pumps perfectly.

User-Friendly Control

Generally, Arctic Heat Pump uses simple differential controller logic that communicates with every zone directly. It includes a tank thermometer probe. The tanks come with a special copper prove port insert at the top and bottom part so that you can make accurate tank measurements.

The heat pump will be optimized automatically to reach the design temperature set for the tank. When the weather changes, the heat pump will change and use exactly what it needs to jeep the buffer tank at the set temperature. The heat pump allows you change the frequency of its DC Inverter Compressor to increase or decrease power when required.

Bottom Line –

If you want to know more about low temperature heat pump, feel free to Arctic Heat Pumps at +1 (866) 800-8123! We’ll get back to you as soon as possible!