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Getting Started for Rebates on Residential Heat Pumps in Maine

· Heat Pump,Heat Pump For Pool,Heat Pumps Maine

Most homes and organizations are introducing heat pump all through Maine. Heat siphons are the most well known warming framework due to Maine's refund programs on heat siphon establishment. The intensity siphon refunds apply to private, low-pay, and business clients. Productivity Maine gives refunds up to $1,200 to a private intensity siphon. Find a solid-intensity siphon installer close to you.

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Discount up to $1,200

Level 1 Intensity Siphons -
$400 for First Indoor Unit
$200 for Second Indoor Unit
Level 2 Intensity Siphons -
$800 for First Indoor Unit
$400 for Second Indoor Unit

Qualification Measures for Intensity Siphon Refunds in Maine

Level 1 Intensity Siphons

AHRI-evaluated HSPF 12.0 or more prominent for frameworks with the single indoor unit
AHRI-appraised HSPF 10.0 or more prominent for frameworks with various indoor units or indoor ducted unit

Level 2 Intensity Siphons

AHRI-appraised HSPF 12.5 or more prominent
Homes with practically no petroleum gas utility record

Members in Discount Program

Mortgage holders with any pay

Qualified Kind of Building

The intensity siphon should be introduced in a one to four-unit private structure in Maine. If it's not too much trouble, look at business programs for huge structures, including at least five associated townhouses.

The intensity siphons ought to be utilized all through the warming season.

As far as possible is two intensity siphon indoor unit discounts per staying - a private unit with a devoted kitchen, dozing, and shower space.


Consider recruiting an enlisted seller for the establishment of private intensity siphons.
The expert installer ought to follow the structure's intensity siphon establishment necessity agenda.

Time period

At the point when the private intensity siphon establishment is finished, you will get a refund guarantee structure over email in 90 days or less.

Qualification for Energy Credits -

Indeed, you are qualified for energy credits to finish the establishment for a private intensity siphon. You can contact your intensity siphon installer for additional assistance.

How Would You Get everything rolling for Private Intensity Siphon Refund Projects?

Search for enrolled private sellers for heat siphon establishment.
Settle on heat siphon redesigns.
Center around funding (discretionary).
Finish the redesigns.
Present the structure to guarantee the intensity siphon refunds.
Sit tight for a long time for handling discounts.

Agreements on Intensity Siphon Refunds

You are qualified for one discount for some random update. Productivity Maine doesn't give a guarantee on the exhibition of refunded overhauls. Discount projects and motivating forces are exposed to change or end. If it's not too much trouble, sit tight for quite some time for refund handling. Assuming the data is deficient, it might defer or preclude your refund program. Effectiveness Maine has the option to check the intensity siphon establishment and play out an assessment.

Primary concern -

Would you like to become familiar with the refund programs for heat pump in Maine? Kindly contact Arctic Heat Pumps at 1-866-800-8123.